Your goals

Adapt your communication in real time!

I am a health facility, a university campus, a city, a shopping mall, an exhibition centre, a leisure park, a transportation network…


I am looking for an effective way to inform my audience in real time in cases of major events, dangers, evacuations, by indicating the place to reach (for example: emergency exit, meeting place…). I want to improve my communication and the security within my institution.

Our solution

iGirouette® is the best solution for you!
iGirouette® is a traffic control signs that indicates in real-time the direction to take, the journey time and the distance to the destination.

  • 2 dynamic arrows turning 360° to point to a place
  • Interactive information displayed on very high-resolution screens
  • Visible close-up or from a distance
  • A connected mobile application interacting with iGirouette

The messages created can have a “priority” notion, which allows them to be displayed instead of any other message, instantly.

Advantages / Benefits

Thus, the communication of the information is done immediately, there is no loss of time. My audience is oriented quickly and efficiently. In addition, I benefit from a real digital experimentation that creates an innovative and differentiating image and is a source of positive notoriety.

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