Guide your passengers!
I’m a transport network: trains, airports, ports, buses, trams, metros…

I’m looking for a system to help direct passengers to their destination: platform, gate, zone, hall, etc. I want to improve orientation and routes and better manage the flow of people. I want to reduce queues and waiting times and better manage people traffic in busy areas…
Our solution
iGirouette® is the right solution for you.
iGirouette® is an electronic road signs and wayfinder that indicates in real-time the destination required, the way to go, the journey time, the distance to the destination, the next departure or arrival, the waiting time and more.
Advantages / Benefits
Create a passenger path to match their destination and guide them for a positive experience under the best possible conditions
Provide personalised and tailored information in the right language and in line any other advertising resources
As public spaces increasingly embrace digital technology, iGirouette® creates an innovative, breakaway image – a positive reputation
Our strong points
- 2 dynamic arrows turning 360° to point to a place
- A wayfinder signs that displays interactive information on very high-resolution screens
- Visible close-up or from a distance
- A symbol (light) at the top of the mast: a point of reference and information