Case study

iGirouette® at Trade Fairs

It can be difficult to find your way around the alleys and corridors of a trade fair looking for a pavilion, a booth, toilets, the exit…
iGirouette®, indoor or outdoor led sign, is forging its place as the perfect tool for this type of event.

  • Lieu Lieu
  • Client Client
    Integrated Systems Europe
  • Secteur Secteur
    Centre d'expositions et de congrès
  • Cible Cible


How to guide, inform and help visitors find what they need at a trade show.

The iGirouette Solution

As we were exhibiting at the Integrated Systems Europe trade fair at Amsterdam, we installed 4 iGirouette® inside and outside the venue itself. The messages helped guide visitors to the conferences rooms and booths, the toilets and restaurants, public transport and more.

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